Independent Contractor Tax Advisors doesn’t handle matters of sales tax, but we are often asked by clients “Are my consulting services subject to sales tax?”. It is a good question. Below we have compiled a spreadsheet of all 50 states and DC, indicating whether they impose sales tax on consulting services. The service industry covers a wide spectrum of business’, and because of that, we can’t provide a complete list for every service in every state.
Sales Tax rates vary from state to state, and in some cases, city to city. So if you do find your services are subject to sales tax, go to and they can help you with any information or guidance you may need. If you provide services outside of consulting and are curious as to whether your services are subject to sales tax in your state, click here. Simply select your state, and find the general category your services fall under.
Does My State Charge Sales Tax On Services?

Does your city charge sales taxes? Click here to find out.
Tags: cosnulting services, sales tax